Sunday, December 30, 2012


So was the Season good to you all? Hope so and that your Christmas was Filled to the Brim with all the Joy and wonder it could hold.
Something for you all, no not Christmas related, but still a beautiful quick page. Again I used a kit by RDH (link on the right) her kits are filled with elements that you don't usually find in other kits and I guess that's why I like them so much. This kit is called " Never ending story" Hope you can use this one and please check out Kyra's other designs.
Have a wonderful New Years!!

Ok so maybe Christmas isn't totally over LOL..... Just click on the image and save. A late present for you all.....


  1. Beautiful quickpage, as ever.
    Just popped in to wish you a wonderful New Year's eve and fantastic start of the new one.
    Hope and wishing it will bring only good things to you, most important of all a good health, and also lots of love and happy moments.

  2. Lovely as always, thank you for this creation! I know I love Kyra's work as well! Thanx for the final gift of the year! Catch you in 2013! Hope is is a healthy, happy, safe and successful one for you and yours! Love ya! Mat

  3. Hello and Thank you for this lovely QP. I wish you and your family a fantastic New Year...
