Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Bits

Some of you might have these already. They are from 2009 and 2010, but I had them on 4 shared (which I no longer have) So thought I would repost them again, as some visitors have asked how to get them. I am trying to do a bit of housecleaning around here, so if there is an older item that you want and you cant download it from 4 me and I will see what I can do. I am hoping to have everything cleaned up by next week. Check the archives, if you see something, email me with the name of the post and the date. I will see if I can get it for you. (Natasha, I hope you got the wedding ones I sent you) Hope you can use these bits of thoughts and that the end results make you smile. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Of course I have these!! LOL! Looks so festive and wintry in here and the music is back. Yippee! Feels like a party going on! Hugs!! Have a terrific weekend! Thanks for all you share, especially your friendship!
