Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Precious time

There never seems to be enough of it and what there is of it seems to slip away faster than we would like. Kyra (RDH) made a beautiful kit called "Beyond Time" and my thoughts went to just how fast time really does go by (seems the older I get the faster it goes too!!) Guess that's why between taking photos and scrap booking I am really trying to capture a moment and hold on to it for as long as I can. It doesn't seem possible that my Granddaughter will be 7 this July or that my Grandson will be 6...can't be. To top that when did my hubby turn 70 and when did I turn ??! (64 this year in case you were wondering)
I hope you can use this qp and Kyra's kit to save some memories, some moments in time. Thanks for stopping by .... don't forget to leave a smile here and at Kyra's.


  1. Here is a smile to you!
    Wonderful quickpage.
    And yes, the older we get, the quicker time passes, it seems!
    And thank you for a little smile back, you've made me smile because you told you are turning 64, and now suddenly I feel sooo young with my only 60 LOL LOL!

  2. Hello and Thank you for this lovely QP. I have to agree too, time does seem to be going faster...

  3. thanks so very much for such a lovely page and for reminding us how fast time does go by. I will turn 66 next month and it seems I just celebrated my 50th a few weeks ago! LOL! Can't believe how fast the grandbabies are growing either! Can remember though when they were born and introduced to us! Thanks for all you do and share especially your precious time! Hugs my friend! Mat
