Saturday, May 4, 2013


Wow seems like forever since I have been in here. Have been busy doing bits of this and that and trying to forget that we still had snow on the ground here while others were talking about the flowers that were starting to bloom!! Spring has a habit of getting here late in the north woods. LOL BUT it is here now and I am a happy camper.
Kyra (RDH) has made another so pretty kit for you all and I had this word art that seems to have been made for it. The kit is called "it's a dream" Take a peak over at her blog, lots to see. Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend! I have made this available in two places. Media fire seems to be causing some download problems... try them both...let me know what happens.

mediafire qp
mediafire wa
Box net qp


  1. Wow! These look absolutely beautiful, but, every time I click on Media Fire it takes me to a black screen. No download. I haven't been here for awhile so I tried some I missed and it is the same thing. Darn! Would love to have them.

  2. I looked at the downloads and Mediafire is just showing up a black screen, or something weird. Box net is doing fine. Ghee, Mediafire is lately a bit in confusion LOL.
    What a beautiful quickpage, by the way!
    May be tomorrow all will be fine again with Mediafire.
    Hopeless, if you cannot depend on the downloading site.
    Don't let it spoil your weekend.

  3. Hello and Thank you for this lovely QP and word art...
