Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I know it's only May... but can June weddings be far away?? We have a very dear friend whose daughter is getting married this summer, they are truly a love written by God. We are so happy for them both.
I used a few different kits by Kyra(RDH) to make this bit for you. Check out her site and I am sure you will find something you like!!
I have also offered the word art separate and made it available on both media fire and box net. My download bandwidth is very limited on box net so please if you can, try media fire first. Hope this allows all who want these bits to get them and enjoy them. Thanks for stopping by....

mediafire (qp)
mediafire (wa)
Boxnet (wa)


  1. Hello and Thank you for this lovely page and word art...

  2. Beautifully done as usual. Love the page and the wordart. Have a lovely weekend ahead! Luv, Mat
