Monday, December 9, 2013

unsimple word

Awhile back I downloaded a free version of a photoshop program that let me make my own elements. I had grand visions of making and designing my own kits.....needless to say that did not happen!! But in going thru some old files I found some elements that I had made. So I made a quick page for you all. I hope you like it (you will not hurt my feelings if you don't, as I am no where as good as the designers out there) The little bub is my Grandson Sam, and yup Joy covers it completely!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


  1. I like your design. I plan on using it. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful gift, thanks my friend. Sam is growing like a week, hope you and family have a fabulous time this weekend! hugs!!

  3. I think you did a great job on these. Handsome grandson there. I'll enjoy using this qp along with the others you put together from Kyra's designs. I use her goodies a lot!
