Tuesday, February 11, 2014


"Can't wait till spring" is the name of this wonderful design by Kyra (RDH) It is filled with all the fresh feelings of spring. Believe me I think all of us could use a bit of that!! This weather this year has been, well to put it plain....The BITS! So if you are like me and your thoughts are filled with spring then check out Kyra's site and see this kit. I have another one I will post in the morning. Thanks so much for stopping by, don't forget to leave me a smile....


  1. Such a lovely quickpage again, so soft and all with spring feeling. Yes, all over weather is acting strange, we all could do with a bit of nice weather, with sunshine and temperatures that will allow us to sit for a moment in the sun, even if it is still with a warm sweater.
    Sending a smile and hug!

  2. Thank you so much! I have looked EVERYWHERE for a free quick page that I liked! Thank you so much!

  3. Hello and Thank you for this pretty QP...

  4. Gorgeous as usual and love the thoughts of SPRING! I know you guys could use a break as well. Unbelievable that the Olympic Winter games are warmer than most of the US.
    Thanks for sharing dear friend! :)
