Sunday, March 2, 2014

When you were little

I was looking for a kit to use for my Grandson (there are not alot of boy kits out there) and remembered this kit by Kyra (RDH) it is called "Long Ago Childhood" It seemed perfect for what I needed. I am hoping that you will find a spot for it too. Take a visit to Kyra's site (the link is on the right) and look around. I am sure you will find this one and so many more. Still dealing with the cold up here, it is 10*F today..sunny for a while then gone. With the cost of propane, we have been keeping our furnace turned down also. We are looking around for a free standing wood stove to replace our (I am sure for decoration only, cus no heat past 10 inches from the flame LOL) fireplace. Might have found one, will be looking at it this week. Enough complaining about the winter...summer will be here soon and all will be good again!!
Thanks for stopping by, you all have to know how much it means to see your comments or receive your thanks. Take care


  1. A sweet quickpage, would look lovely with a picture of your grandson in it.
    Sorry you still have cold around there,
    perhaps you will find a wood stove, that also produces heat in a larger range around it!

  2. Hello and Thank you for this pretty QP...

  3. very pretty thank you for sharing

  4. Another great page and so appreciate the gift my friend. Thanks!
