Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bliss moments

This qp was made by a beautiful design by Manu called " Days Gone By " Her designs are always from the heart and soul! She offers a newsletter on her site, so click on her link off on the right and check it out!!
Sorry I haven't been in lately. We are getting the yard work done before Winter comes back for a visit!! Wood is all cut and stacked for the fireplace (we are still looking for a free standing wood burner to take the place of our "decoration only" fireplace!! You only feel the warmth if you are sitting right next to it, the blower unit broke!! So we keep looking for something to replace it.
Oh well I love sweatshirts and sweaters so all will be well!! LOL
Ok off to let dogs out and get some stuff done. Thanks for stopping and please take a peak at Manu's site.


  1. Beautiful page.
    Must be frustrating to have a fire place that doesn't work well.
    Hope you soon will find a good one, because sweatshirts and such are fine, but to have the whole room in a nice comfortable temperature cannot be beaten by those.

  2. thanks Linda for the beautiful QP. We are doing the same, getting outside work done before it gets cold. And my hubby knows he has to get it done if he wants to go hunting. LOL Good luck with finding a stove.
    I switched quite a while ago to Mediafire from 4-share, was just having to much trouble with it.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Donna

  3. totally gorgeous as always and I agree with you, Manu offers some fabulous freebies. Appreciate this lovely gift, thanks a lot. Have a fantastic weekend. Hugs, Mat

  4. Hello and Thank you for this lovely QP...
