Saturday, December 13, 2014

The best one

Have you found your tree yet?? We tried an artificial one a couple times and all though they are beautiful and perfect....we get a real one. Love the smell and yup even the sometimes odd stick that side in the corner shape. LOL This year so far I only have an empty space where the tree will go. With construction going on in the other room, well a tree is one of the last things we will get.
Hope you can use this page, whether for the one you go cut down or the one that is ready made...which ever you have it will be the best one.... Thanks for stopping by... I am off to unbury my dining room table....somehow everything is being dumped there. LOL


  1. Hello and Thank you for this lovely QP...

  2. Yes, we have our tree, it's an artificial one, but I love it.
    Oh poor one, just having the space for the tree and the dining room table overloaded with stuff LOL! It's always seems to be such a handy place to put things on.
    Do you think your house will be uncluttered before Christmas?
    Great idea for that quickpage, by the way.
    Have a good start of the week.
