Friday, January 9, 2015

Winter Whispers

Christmas decorations all put away (well except for that stray one I always seem to find in February LOL)  In fact, we took our tree outside (we leave it in the yard for the birds to have a place to get warm) and when I looked out the window this morning, hanging from it was one lone wooden ornament!
We are slowly getting used to our new wood stove. Some days we think we know what we are doing and the next starting and keeping a fire going seems impossible!! We will figure it out!
Have a new qp for you all. A while back a designer " Moleminka" gave me permission to use one of her designs called White Christmas. I have used it again in this new one for you all. Hope you like it.
Thanks all for stopping by. Hope your New Year is shaping up to be a good one....


  1. Hello and Thank you for this lovely QP...

  2. Every year again we too find somewhere a stray Christmasdecoration LOL!
    What a wonderful idea to leave the tree in the yard for the birds to hibernate!
    Soon you will get the hang to use your stove, I am sure of that.
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear.

  3. thank you, I always love you qp

  4. Gorgeous as can be...thank you for this lovely page. Happy New Year!
    This week's game is gonna kill absolute favs are the Cowboys and the Packers....who do I root for? Da Boys, I have to! Hugs, Mat

  5. Thanks so much! Your Quick Pages and Word Art are inspirational for me - please keep it up! They are all so pretty! Happy New Year and enjoy that wood stove!
